Friday, May 20, 2011

Destroyer Stage Set in 3D

DESTROYER- the apocalyptic city

The «Love Gun» stage set from Kiss was meant to be the last scenography project from Serpent 3D. Then, original blueprints of Kiss’ first major stage production appeared online. Not only did this offer the opportunity to recreate what many considers to be the quintessential Kiss show in 3D. More importantly, this project exemplifies the workflow in Serpent3D and the level of accuracy which can be achieved with the necessary input provided. Prior stage designs were all made based on photographs and video. This time all original parts of the design are recreated in accordance with the blueprints.

Editor's Note: You must check this out. the Destroyer 3D stage set comes from the same people who did the Love Gun and Dynasty 3D stage set animations. They do incredible work.

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