Here's an excerpt from an Interview with the legendary Eddie Kramer by FindingZoso.com 's Discovering The Music of Jimmy Page. Here Eddie talks about Kiss. This full interview with Eddie is well worth checking out if you want some classic rock and roll history!
FZ: You were at Woodstock, and recorded the festival, you
recorded Led Zeppelin for “The Song Remains the Same”, you recorded Kiss
“Alive”. What about live recordings do you think is so unique, what are some of
the challenges?
EK: You could also add Peter Frampton
FZ: That’s right “Frampton Comes Alive” yes.
EK: I love live recording. For me it was very exciting. You
get one shot and that’s it [laughs] or sometimes two depending upon if you are
going to do multiple nights then you can cut together the best performances.
Same thing with Kiss, you know? This is a challenge. You have a band like Kiss
who onstage with the fireworks and the bombs and all that stuff going off, it’s
a show, and it’s tough for them to be in tune and in time, so for me that was a
challenge. So we ended up afterward cutting the live performances and
overdubbing a lot of material to make it work. But hey listen, that record saved
Casablanca Records, they were going under and Kiss saved the day. That double
album became a huge seller.
Please check out the entire interview! Eddie talks about enginnering the greatest Led Zeppelin albums and working with Jimmy Page, as an artist and producer and Jimi Hendrix. Awesomeness!
Please check out the entire interview! Eddie talks about enginnering the greatest Led Zeppelin albums and working with Jimmy Page, as an artist and producer and Jimi Hendrix. Awesomeness!
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