Wednesday, October 14, 2009



(from Bravewords)

by Mark Gromen

“You wanted best, you’ve got the best…” BOOM! The curtain emblazoned with a silver logo drops to the ground, revealing my (and tens of millions’ the planet over) teen favourites. Through the dry-ice fog, the white & black greasepaint of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley were clearly visible, to the rapturous screams and applause of a near capacity Wachovia Center, filled with at least four generations of KISS fans. Right into ‘Deuce’ and ‘Strutter’, a vintage high energy, one-two punch (and part of the ’74 debut, which airs no less then five songs this evening!) punctuated by Simmons wagging tongue and gyrating pelvis, while Stanley flicked/blew picks to the crowd, playing a guitar positioned vertically, inverted and even between his legs. The stage resembled 80s MTV come to life. Flanked by a pair of giant KISS Army banners, a trio of video screens behind drummer Eric Singer (who’s perched atop a lighted “KISS” logo) could show separate close-ups or be combined into a single wall, half a football field long. Smaller, square video With photographers allowed but two songs in which to click away, the mainstay duo got most of the face time, new guitarist Tommy Thayer relegated to those cheering on the sides of the arena.

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