Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rocker Kane Roberts Talks Working with Paul Stanley
There are more layers to Kane Roberts than a lot of people would think at first glance. The same guy who was known for his musclebound “Rambo” image in the 80s and over the top hard rock/metal is also a college music major, graphic artist, video game designer and artist in general. While most famous for his work with Alice Cooper he has also released two solo albums and collaborated with hitmakers like Jon Bon Jovi and Paul Stanley. Kane recently made a return to the stage for the long running Firefest shows overseas and is once again fueling some of those creative fires. We talked with him about making those classic Alice albums, working on the REVENGE album with KISS and what it’s like to write a song with Desmond Child. Read on…..

Legendary Rock Interviews: It’s been a while since I’ve talked to you on the press junket for your Geffen album but of course Alice keeps popping up in the news and now you have some new stuff going on too! What’s up man?

Kane Roberts: Yeah…it’s been a while then, that album on Geffen was a great time for me, working with a lot of great musicians and of course Desmond Child is such a prolific writer. Alice, well Alice is, of course, better than ever. I can’t say enough about the guy or Welcome 2 My Nightmare. He’s such an amazing friend and person.

LRI: You said something in an interview that has always stayed with me, you were paraphrasing Bob Ezrin who was saying once you’ve started down an artistic path you can pause or take breaks but that passion to be expressive never really leaves you. It will pop back up in various ways and you will continue to find ways to create or be expressive. Have you find that to be the case in these years since you’ve been out of the spotlight a little?

KR: Yeah, totally. It’s just like yourself as a reporter or writer, even if you don’t do a thing for ten years there’s this part of your brain that doesn’t shut off, you just keep having ideas orbit that part of your brain. If you’re a musician that’s why you can’t walk by a guitar without picking it up and playing some scales, that sort of thing. Whatever you get that creative rush from becomes real difficult not to practice. It might vary based on your individual level of proficiency at whatever you enjoy doing but it’s there in all of us. We all have a creative soul. Maybe you’re someone who likes taking pictures or making movies, you can’t walk by something picturesque without thinking of shooting it. We all have some part of us that is constantly in taking that kind of info and archiving it. Whether we express it or choose to is a different story and sometimes that takes practice and exposure. I had a video game that we premiered at E3, I’ve been in that whole software development world these past years and I ran into Bob Ezrin who’s of course famous for all this rock production with KISS and Alice and Pink Floyd. Bob was there at the E3 convention, he was also there for the software end of things and we talked again and he just said “This gaming thing is just another area of creativity, another level to delve into”. Some guys are really strong at one area and just stick with that area their whole life whether its writing or music or whatever. I’ve always been very visually based, even when I’ve made music I have sort of always had my head in the visual end of art. I love video and art and always have since I was a kid, I have had a passion for that end of things. Right now, we have a film project we’re trying to get off the ground as well as these new music gigs. I just feel like you only live once and you might as well do as much as possible, follow your passions.

Read the rest HERE!

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