Saturday, October 30, 2010

12 Year Old Rocker Would Rather Listen to Kiss than Bieber

Move over Justin Bieber - 12-year-old rock star would rather listen to Kiss
Kieran Robertson is just 12-years-old but has played to an audience of 3,400 people in his rock group Juniors Wailing.

Many children idolise Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, but not so many would name Paul Stanley, the anti-drugs rhythm guitarist of glam-rock super group Kiss, as their hero. Yet this is who 12-year-old Kieran Robertson wants to be.

Kieran's road to rock stardom began at an Iron Maiden concert when he sat atop his dad's shoulders in the centre of a mosh-pit. The band's guitarist pointed right at him and he knew then what his future held. His band, Juniors Wailing, have now played in front of 3,400.

"I got my first ever guitar when I was about five," he told The Hour. "I started playing when I was about seven and at first I was thinking I'll never be able to do this, it was taking for ages, but I had a lot of patience and my dad taught me up until whatever he knew.

"Kiss put on a great show and that’s definitely the thing I'd like to do," said Kieran. "They have fireworks and jump about. Paul Stanley, my idol, doesn't do drugs, doesn't drink, he flies into the audience because he believes the audience and the band should be one, which is also what I think."
Read the rest here

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